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The third issue explores fluidity and queerness, featuring womxn and femme artists of all backgrounds that work in hybrid art forms, and work around moving beyond the binary, gender norms and labels from our society.

Co-editor in chief of the latest print issue

SPECIWOMEN is a community of young womxn artists interviewing, and portraying each other. Our goal is to put forward the work of others that deserve a better representation than the one given to them in the art world. We bring together womxn, and other people who believe in what we are doing, and want to be part of it to create a safe space of expression and display for femme artists and their work.
Philo Cohen started SPECIWOMEN in 2015, aiming to build an intersectional community driven by equality and respect.


Intertwined Portraits; women in front and behind the camera

This weekly column looked upon iconic women of cinema through some of their most impacting female characters. From different times and places, each of these directors dreamt and painted roles that enlighten our conception of women in various ways. Far from the patriarchal character representation of Black and White films or from the modern superheroines on screen, these women shine in the vernacular through precise portrayals. Glamorous glutton, grieving nurses, avenging angel, or suicidal enchantress: each hide somehow a part of their creators as a concealed message making them even more genuine.

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